Wednesday, June 12, 2013


Planks work you abs, arms and back, which makes it one of the best multitasking moves. Varying a basic plank will work every part of your body.

> Elbow Plank
> Elbow Plank with Donkey Kick
      -From an elbow plank, bend one knee 90 degrees, keeping foot flexed and not moving your pelvis.
> Side Plank Leg Lift
      -Place on elbow on the ground, and raise opposite leg higher than your hip
      -Do 3 sets of 15-20 reps on each side
Circling Plank
      -Start in an elbow plank on an exercise ball, keep body still and use arms to roll the ball in smal circles.
      -Do 3 sets of 5 circle in each direction.
>Easy Knee Tuck Crunches
      -Start in a plank with shins on the ball, then pull knees toward your chest, then push back out.
      - Do 3 sets of 10-20 crunches.
>Table Top Lift
      -Start in a table top, then lower your hips and straighten your legs so that your hips are hovering the floor (between your wrists).
      -Do 3 sets of 15-20 reps.
>Two Point Plank
      -Start in a plank, then touch your right elbow to your left knee while slightly arching your back and core tight. Hold for 10 seconds.
      -Then extend right arm and left leg straight (not touching the floor), and repeat.
      -Do 3 sets of 5 reps on each side.
>Up-Down Plank
      -Start in a pank, then change to an elbow plank, one arm at a time. Then lift up again to a plank on your hands.
      -Do 2 sets of 10 reps, starting with a different arm each time.

source: FitSugar

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