Sunday, June 30, 2013


So today I finally went out and bought a Jullienne peeler, and I was so excited that I needed to break it in and make something for lunch. I decided to do a zucchini carrot 'spaghetti'. It's light and oh so easy to make. Makes 1 Serving.

1 Medium Zucchini
1 Large Carrot
1/4 Onion
3 Slices Turkey Breast
1 tsp Olive Oil
1 Tbsp Sesame Seeds
1 Tbsp Dried Basil
Pinch of Sea Salt
Pinch of Garlic Salt

Heat up a pan with olive oil, and throw the chopped up onions in first. Cut up both the zucchini and carrot with the Jullienne peeler, and put them in the pan next. Season everything with basil & salts. Add in turkey after 5 minuted of the vegetables cooking. Top off with sesame seeds, and serve warm!

Nutrition Facts:
170 calories
8 g Sugar
14 g Protein
5 g Fat
18 g Carbs

Thursday, June 13, 2013


Today for lunch I made a light summer salad, I wanted something sweet and fresh. I've been trying to get into the summer sprit, but this rainy cold weather is not helping.. so maybe this salad can fix that! Here it is..

3 7-inch Carrots
2 Cups Spinach
1/2 Ruby Red Grapefruit
3 Slices Smokey Turkey
2 Tablespoons Panera Fat Free Poppy Seed Dressing

Using a potato peeler, shave the carrots. Cut the spinach and turkey slices as small as you wish. Take all of the meat out of the grapefruit. In a large bowl, toss all the ingredients with the dressing, enjoy!

Nutritional Facts:
228 Calories
21 g Sugar
16 g Protein
40 g Carbs
1 g Fat

Wednesday, June 12, 2013


Planks work you abs, arms and back, which makes it one of the best multitasking moves. Varying a basic plank will work every part of your body.

> Elbow Plank
> Elbow Plank with Donkey Kick
      -From an elbow plank, bend one knee 90 degrees, keeping foot flexed and not moving your pelvis.
> Side Plank Leg Lift
      -Place on elbow on the ground, and raise opposite leg higher than your hip
      -Do 3 sets of 15-20 reps on each side
Circling Plank
      -Start in an elbow plank on an exercise ball, keep body still and use arms to roll the ball in smal circles.
      -Do 3 sets of 5 circle in each direction.
>Easy Knee Tuck Crunches
      -Start in a plank with shins on the ball, then pull knees toward your chest, then push back out.
      - Do 3 sets of 10-20 crunches.
>Table Top Lift
      -Start in a table top, then lower your hips and straighten your legs so that your hips are hovering the floor (between your wrists).
      -Do 3 sets of 15-20 reps.
>Two Point Plank
      -Start in a plank, then touch your right elbow to your left knee while slightly arching your back and core tight. Hold for 10 seconds.
      -Then extend right arm and left leg straight (not touching the floor), and repeat.
      -Do 3 sets of 5 reps on each side.
>Up-Down Plank
      -Start in a pank, then change to an elbow plank, one arm at a time. Then lift up again to a plank on your hands.
      -Do 2 sets of 10 reps, starting with a different arm each time.

source: FitSugar


I had a few cans of chickpeas lying around and wanted to put them to good use. I made sweet and spicy roasted chickpeas, and decided to make a salad of it for dinner!

2 Cups Spinach
1 Cup Arugula
1/4 Cucumber
1/2 Cup Sweet and Spicy Roasted Chickpeas
3 Tablespoons Sun-Dried Tomato Vinaigrette Dressing

Chop leafy greens and cucumber down, in a chop salad way. Put the dressing in a mixing bowl, followed by the greens and chick peas. Mix all the ingredients together until the dressing coats all the ingredients, and serve!

Nutritional Facts:
324 Calories
19 g Sugar
12 g Protein
49 g Carbs
10g Fat


The core is probably the hardest place for me to tone up. At the end of a workout and before bed I usually do a ab burning routine. I found this routine on Pinterest, it's a toughie!

50 Crunches
40 Mountain Climbers
30 Side Crunches
20 In & Out
10 Scissors
20 In & out
30 Side Crunches
40 Mountain Climbers
50 Crunches

Feel the burn!


This green drink is my favorite, my friends mom taught it to me. It's not a smoothie its more of a juice -- Green Drink! Some people don't love kale / celery, but the sweetness of the apple really disguises it. You need a really strong blender / juicer for this one, other wise it'll stay pretty pulpy. Well here it is:

Serves 2

1 1/2 Cups Coconut water
2 Stalks Purple Kale
3 Stalks Celery
2 Cups Spinach
1 Green Apple
Juice of 1/2 lemon
1 Tablespoon Agave Nectar

Put all the ingredients in the blender, and blend on the highest speed. If it is still too thick add up to 1/4 cup water. 

Nutritional Facts: (Per Serving)
165 Calories
20 g Sugar
4 g Protein
44g Carbs
1g Fat


 A HIIT (High Intensity Interval Training) workout that is great for squeezing in whenever especially when traveling, but I like to do it at the gym after the elliptical  HIIT burns more calories, blasts more fat and saves time. Do each exercise at high intensity for 30 seconds each, with a 10 second rest if needed & do the entire routine up to 3 times. 

1. Jumping Jacks
2. Wall Sit
3. Push-up
4. Crunches
5. Chair Step-Up
6. Squat
7. Triceps Dips
8. Plank
9. High Knees
10. Lunge
11. Push up Rotation (to side plank)
12. Side Plank
Printable Version

Source: PopSugar